HTML Elements

Congratulations! You found my HTML Elements page!

List of HTML Elements Used:

CSS styling: All pages
Links: All pages
A Form: Contact
The Box Model: All pages
CSS Page Layout: All pages
Javascript: Home and Gallery
HTML5 & CSS3: All pages

For this project, I updated and improved my website from Project 2. One of the first things I did was add some Javascript. I used the slideshow used in your demo for the home page. I also found a lightbox-style javascript to use for my gallery (called FancyBox) and replaced the iframe in my gallery page with that. The Javascript for that was a little more difficult to figure out than the slideshow one used in the demo, but I figured it out and I love the results.

I also added some CSS3 styling by adding some "first-child" elements to the pages, such as a larger, bolded first letter in every paragraph tag.

Another change I made was to fix the text box in my form on the contact page. I had used the wrong tag, so I fixed it, using the right one, and added a clear button as well as a submit button.

I also added more pictures, as well as some text on the front page to add to the aesthetics. I felt the colors, layout, and design of the rest of the website was how I wanted it, so I left it how it was.
