A Page of Turtles & a Tortoise

An African Sulcata Tortoise

This is Mrs. Fuggles, my African Sulcata Tortoise. I took this picture when we first got her. She has grown quite a bit and I can no longer pick her up.

Temporary Housing for Turtles

Here are Skeeter and Tilly sunning themselves in the little kid pool. Temporary housing.

Red Sliders in the Kiddie Pool

Turtle Paradise

This is the Turtle Paradise we built for the two Red Sliders. A good size pond with two areas for water to splash down into. Water lilies, water lettuce and other water plants. Lots of gold fish too. Skeeter and Tilly are sunning themselves at the bottom right on a stone.

Here is Skeeter swimming in the pond. Because there is more room, both turtles are growing. Much more fun than living in an aquarium.