MAT 125: Web Design 1: Fundamentals : EXERCISES

Exercise 8B: Fixed to Flexible Page Layout. Navigation using Unordered Lists

This exercise is a continuation of Exercise 8A. In this Exercise we will use newer HTML Elements introduced in Exercise 8A including the aside and main tags for a 2 column format, then use CSS styles to make the page adjust from fixed to flexible. We will also experiment with navigation using lists.

Read in Text Book: Chapter 16 and follow along in the Demos for Exercise 8B. Be sure to experiment.

By Due Date:

Create a minimum of 5 pages. All pages have the same content and tags used. Use the new tags covered in 8A. Some of the activity is similar. Start with your Natural Flow page which has NO CSS added. Use the aside and main tags to create a two column layout. You will be working on the CSS for pages 2-6.
Save into your folder - Ex8B.

Folder Name: Ex8B

Opening Page Name: index.html

All Pages Must Link Together.

Post your questions online or email them to me

CSS Styles for Page Layout

  • EXAMPLE style for the wrapper: width: 960px; padding: 10px;

Use to set a specific width to the wrapper, aside & main areas. Experiment to make sure the aside and main areas will fit together inside the wrapper. Use a calculator if needed.

  • Example for Flexible pages (for the wrapper): width: 98%; padding: 2%;

Use percentages to set the widths to make your page adjust or be flexible to fill the browser window. Try on the wrapper, aside and main areas. Be sure to check to see that the aside and main fit inside the wrapper.

  • Example for a page that is flexible to a certain width and then becomes fixed so the page does not expand beyond a comfortable viewing area. (for the wrapper): width: 98%; padding: 2%; max-width: 960px;

CSS: Navigation Styles Using an Unordered List

Using your existing navigation content from your Exercise 8B pages, add an unordered list, with each link being a list item.

<li> <a href="index.html"> HOME </a> </li>
<li> <a href="page2.html"> Fixed Page </a> </li>
<li> <a href="page3.html"> Flexible </a> </li>
<li> <a href="page4.html"> Max-Width </a> </li>
<li> <a href="page5.html"> Navigation </a> </li>

Review the Demo pages for CSS style use.

Exercise EightB Grading Rubric
Item/Points 1-2 3-4 5-6
Coding Some Most All correct
Function Some Most All
Requirements Some Most All
Effort Minimal Basic Requirements Above & Beyond
Creativity Minimal Some Above & Beyond


This exercise is worth 30 points.

Coding (6)
Functionality (6)
Meeting project requirements (6)
Your effort (6)
Creativity (6)

Due Date

Text Reference

Online Demos